AE Youth Banner

'AE Youth' formed in 2013 with the goal of creating an active youth community through the parent organisation, Al-Ehsan Centre.

'AE Youth' formed in 2013 with the goal of creating an active youth community through the parent organisation, Al-Ehsan Centre.

Our mission through AE Youth is to build a stronger community for Muslim youth through education and service.

We aim to:
- Be run for the youth by the youth, for the sake of Allah
- Provide a basic understanding of Islam as a way of life in the Australian context
- Provide a platform for the community to address social issues faced by the youth

So far we have been involved with two major projects through Al-Ehsan Centre:
- Raising money for victims of the Savar disaster in Bangladesh
- Supporting the Ansaar Project's 'Halal Food Bank' and 'Cover Me' initiatives; by adding Al-Ehsan Centre as a drop off point for donations

We hope that with increased members, greater interest in our group and community awareness of our group, we will be able to achieve our mission of building a stronger community for Muslim youth inshaAllah.


April 26th, 5pm at Doncaster Mosque & Recreation Hall 


February 2014 at Doncaster Mosque & Recreation Hall


Both Eids are the most significant festivals for Muslims. Eid-ul-fitre follows the month long fasting in Ramadan. Eid-ul Adha is celebrated on the day following the rites of the pilgrims on the day of Arafat, where pilgrims spend the day in prayer and supplication asking for the forgiveness of Allah and salvation and deliverance for themselves and others. 

Prayer Time